Rosteries, Solberg & Hansen and coffee shops, Espresso House

Already when switched to Swedish Johan & Nyström I think they lifted themselves above all of the other coffee shop chains like Starbucks or Wayne's Coffee. Sure, the quality of the baristas vary but if you ut good beans in the grinder you still have some sort of decent baseline to start at. Sme years ago they switched from Johan & Nyström to Solberg & Hansen. It's not neccesarily better coffee but it fits my taste better. I've always thought Johan & Nyström is a little eager when roasting their coffee.

Espresso House has two lines of beans from S&H; their regular kind which is single origin and their special brew which is single estate. Both have good price-quality performance and especially the special brew is worth buying although it's not shown on the shelves like the regular beans and aren't available at shops. It's not five star coffee but it's not near as expensive either and I think the special brew works as a every day coffee if you don't to spend as much for all your coffee. Lately they had a variety (see picture) that went well with cold brewing.

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