Rating: <\,/\,~~ <\,/\,~~ <\,/\,~~ <\,/\,~~ <\,/\,~~
This coffee was two months since roasting when I tried it and was a recommendation from Kaffemaskinen in Stockholm (which has a good track-record of recommendations). As usual these days I did a four minute french press and a V60 drip coffee.
4 minutes french press: Doing the french press gave the coffee more of a roasted note but not much and it's not dark roasted. There's no burnt taste at all and has a complex taste. The taste was very sweet and to me tasted somewhat like strawberries.
V60 drip coffee: As drip coffee it became one of the less bitter coffees I've tried and very sweet and strawberry-like. It also had a very clean taste and I think it could go well as a cold brew.
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