Cold brew coffee concentrate

I have wondered why so many recipes for cold brew coffee ended with "and the  dilute the 'coffee concentrate'.". Lately I have run into recipes that actually use a lot more coffee than I do (and many other do) and then it makes more sense to dilute the cold brew coffee.

I tried a batch of cold brew coffee with three times as much coffee (15 g/dl, 2h). It actually became much stronger, sort of expected :-) It also became substantially more bitter. The very low level of bitterness in my regular cold brew coffee was one of the big advantages so I tried to dilute it. The coffee became better when diluted with as much water as coffee but best it became when I added twice as much water as coffee. That also gave me as much coffee as the regular way but taking only a third of the space while being stored (in the refridgerator).

As a conclusion I think 5 g/dl wins over 15 g/dl plus dilution but if there's little storage space or if the coffee should be carried somewhere where clean water is accessible the stronger variety could be worth it (or if you actually appreciate the bitterness).
